Benchmarking for Quality Assurance in e-Learning Provision of VET education
The COVID-19 crisis has brought a new reality to education provision and especially VET education. Many education providers, including VET, turned to eLearning to ensure the continuity of education for their learners. But what about quality in eLearning? It is evident that in such a short time, applying quality in eLearning is hard to encompass in VET education.
Let´s provide quality e-Learning!

The BEQUEL project is in line with the priority of the EU to transform education and facilitate its transition to the digital era and is based on the Digital Education Action Plan, the DigiCompOrg framework, the ENQA considerations and other quality assurance in digital education initiatives.
The general objective of the BEQUEL project is to develop quality assurance in eLearning provision and practices of VET educators, in the involved countries, through promotion of self-evaluation, quality benchmarking and networking between VET providers. More specifically, the objectives are:
- To examine the existing approaches for quality in digital eLearning and pedagogies in VET education at European level.
- To develop an online benchmarking tool for quality assurance in eLearning for VET providers.
- To create a Community of Practice of VET providers across the EU and mobilize it through social media.
Stay up to date about the project's activities by following the LLL pathways Facebook page, joining the LinkedIn group or subscribing to the Newsletter. In addition, new articles will regularly be posted on the BEQUAL and Bequel platform.